If you’re trying for a baby, you may already be familiar with navigating hard emotions while #TTC.

And if you can relate, I want you to consider (and remember) the following quote, by Buddhist Nun and Teacher, Pema Chödrön:

“You are the sky.
Everything else is just the weather.”

Particularly when navigating the journey of fertility, emotions can feel absolutely overwhelming. Dare I say, soul-crushing and even immobilizing, at times. It can be like the world, your body and everyone around is somehow failing you. I’ve been there.

Have you heard of the funny quote, “Shift Happens.”? Well, it happens to be very true when it come to emotions. A concept that has helped me navigate difficult emotions is one that we now teach in our Soulful Conceptions™ Programs:

“View of your emotions as the clouds… “

The clouds move in and they move out. They change shape and color. And they disappear. Yes, the clouds are amazing! They are also “on the move” and impermanent.

One of the most powerful and efficient ways to make “shift happen” is to notice your breath. Find a comfortable position and take a big breath in and exhale through the mouth — then, sigh it out. Make sound. Hum it out. OM it out. Whatever works for you! Do this several rounds.

Now, begin to invite your conscious breathing in and out through your nose. Soften your belly and as you inhale, allow your breath to move deep down in the belly. And exhale. As you continue your next inhale, see if your breath can move first into your belly and then into your rib cage. And on your next breath in, encourage your breath to move into your belly, ribcage, and all the way up into your chest. Feel your heart expand.

On each exhale, soften something. Let something go (this might be a thought!) and notice if your body can begin to feel more grounded and “held” by Mother Earth.

And remember, they call it a “practice” for a reason.

So, on a day that feels challenging to you, practice breathing this way every hour on the hour for 9-12 rounds of breath. Then, notice how you feel. Consider integrating this practice into your daily for a week and see what changes.

If you are yearning to learn more about conscious breathing for fertility and pregnancy after infertility (plus just overall health & wellbeing), visit our site or drop into one of our weekly live-streaming mind-body support groups (pre-registration is required to attend).

In the meantime, know this, Mama-to-be:

Your “clouds” (emotions) will do their thing. Allow them the space to shift and change. They will move through. You will be okay. And for now, it’s okay to not be okay.

Because you, my darling, are the magnificent, vast and glorious kick-ass sky! 

Sharing is caring!