There’s no doubt about it; the fertility journey is stressful. There are usually tons of decisions involved, continuous tests, poking and prodding of your body, and significant financial considerations. So, it’s no surprise the mind starts spinning. But are you aware your thoughts affect your fertility?

Consider this metaphor:

Our thoughts are like seeds we plant in a garden. The “soil” of the garden is our body. And our emotions “fertilize” this field of energy.

Since our thoughts can (and do!) create an effect on our emotions, our emotions can then physiologically affect our bodies (via the endocrine system). And thereby can impact our health (i.e., fertility).

It’s a vicious cycle.

But does this mean you need to try never to get stressed? No, that’s not even realistic. We all experience stress in our life, and some pressure is good because it moves us forward. However, it’s the chronic stress that we want to avoid, particularly while #tryingtoconceive.

Below are some simple ways to shift away from this domino effect:

    First, become aware that you are having the thoughts (and subsequent feelings/emotions) without judgment (and with a lot of curiosity).
    Instead of getting lost in the thoughts, and ruled by the emotions, shift your focus to your breath. Conscious breathwork can be one of the most effective and efficient ways to affect change in our mind-body connection.
    Begin to recognize that our emotions are like wind dancing through the clouds. The wind passes through the clouds, changes their shape, and eventually blows them away. Our emotions will pass through us and begin to change, as well. We need not resist the feelings or even stay attached to them. But instead, feel them — fully — and then release them. (“If you can name it, you can tame it.”)
    Mindfulness could be an “open-eyed meditation” where you stay aware of your surroundings and practice being fully present in simple tasks like brushing your teeth or washing the dishes. Or, it could be a moving meditation like fertility yoga.
    Meditation can look a lot of different ways. It can be as simple as sitting still watching your breath. It can be listening to a guided meditation. Or, you can meditate while you walk in the neighborhood, weed your flower garden, paint, or even while washing your hair. Of course, guided meditations and visualizations can also be a game-changer! We offer tons of mediations in our Membership Immersion Home-Study program.

    This one can be tough. But “surrendering” is about giving up control of that we have none. Whether we like it or not, there is much out of our control in life. When we learn to let go of our perceived control and begin to shift our awareness to what we actually can control (i.g., our reaction to things!), we begin to discover empowerment on the fertility journey.
    And anything else life throws our way!

To learn more about how we help guide individuals and couples trying to have their baby or pregnant after infertility, with more ease, visit our site.

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