The journey of fertility is often filled with ups and downs, and a sense of helplessness. Each cycle can feel like you’re on the worst rollercoaster of your life. The two-week wait (aka TWW or 2ww) is particularly hard, where you often vacillate between hope and despair, as you hyper-focus ..Continue Reading
If you’re trying for a baby, you may already be familiar with navigating hard emotions while #TTC. And if you can relate, I want you to consider (and remember) the following quote, by Buddhist Nun and Teacher, Pema Chödrön: “You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” Particularly ..Continue Reading
Emerging From Struggle For months and months while trying to get pregnant, then experiencing two miscarriages, and finally, during the #healthypregnancy of my son, I would see butterflies. White butterflies to be exact. They were there all the time, all around me. Sometimes it would just be one, fluttering and ..Continue Reading
“Active” Cobbler’s Pose variation (Supta Baddha Konasana in Sanskrit) is an excellent pose to help stretch the psoas at the lowest attachment, open up the groins and soften the connective tissue in and around the pelvis (including the reproductive organs). It also helps to “neutralize” the lower back and hips ..Continue Reading
“Legs Up the Wall” pose (Viparita Karani in Sanskrit) is considered a jewel for women as is allows the blood to slowly pool into the low belly, calms the nervous system and cools the body. It can be modified – as shown in this picture – to be performed in ..Continue Reading