Non-toxic Food Storage

Non-toxic Food Storage

As someone who has many food challenges due to celiac and other food intolerances, I have pretty much always had to take my own food to go. Does this require some extra time and effort – sure, but this way I know everything I am putting into my body, which ..Continue Reading

Is it safe to practice yoga while on Follicle Stimulating Drugs?

If you are approaching or in the midst of fertility treatment, you may have heard horror stories about follicle-stimulating drugs (FSD). And this may make you feel apprehensive to practice fertility yoga during this time. In this post, we are going to answer the question: Is it safe to practice ..Continue Reading

A Different Perspective on New Year’s Resolutions

As we rang in the New Year for 2022, we declared, “No More Resolutions!” It’s that time of year when the collective talks about resolutions. Instead, we are offering a slightly different perspective on New Year’s Resolutions. And a tip on how to actually create lasting change. Why Resolutions Often ..Continue Reading

Stress and Fertility: A Deep Dive into the Physiology of Stress on your Female Body and its Impact on Fertility

Written by: Leigh Finan, RN, MS, NBC-HWC Stress and Fertility: A Deep Dive into the Physiology of Stress on your Female Body and its Impact on Fertility What is stress? Stress is often defined as “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a ..Continue Reading

Mindful Being Series with Brenda Strong

Mindful Being Series with Brenda Strong In our very first #MindfulBeing series, we had the honor of getting into a multifaceted and thoughtful conversation with our special Guest Speaker, Brenda Strong. Brenda is probably best known for her Emmy nominated narration work as the voice of Mary Alice Young on ..Continue Reading

Thriving on Two Week Wait

Thrive on the Two Week Wait

Thrive on the Two Week Wait At a time when it benefits you most to thrive on the two-week wait (TWW), this is the time when you probably feel like you’re just surviving. Instead of feeling grounded and calm, the #twoweekwait is usually fraught with extremely fluctuating emotions and energy. ..Continue Reading

BPA-free does not Equal Safe

BPA-free does not Equal Safe U.S. manufacturers responded to Canada’s 2010 ban on the use of BPA in baby bottles by creating products that are #BPAfree. Today, we see all kinds of’ BPA-free’ products on the market. Which seems like it should be great, right?! But is BPA-free really safe? ..Continue Reading

Tame the Shame Campaign

Release the Shame of Infertility The #shameofinfertility, its challenges, and pregnancy loss/miscarriage are difficult roads to navigate and can bring about many uncomfortable emotions, including anger, grief, sadness, and shame. How do we begin to release the shame of infertility? We are on a mission to normalize the conversation around ..Continue Reading

Yoga for Painful Periods

Yoga for Painful Periods is in honor of Endometriosis Awareness Month (March), where we have created 4 different video segments to address this common condition and the pain associated with it. These videos offer easy-to-integrate and powerful mind-body medicine tools. In the first video, Reduce the Pain of Endometriosis, we ..Continue Reading

Decrease Endometriosis Pain with Yoga

March is Endometriosis Awareness month and to show our support we are here to share some principles, exercises, and concepts to support your fertility journey AND improve the overall quality of your life. It is estimated that 176 million women (and young girls) worldwide are challenged by endometriosis regardless of ..Continue Reading