This time of year is, in general, more stressful for most, even if you enjoy the holiday season. But when you’re also trying to navigate the challenges of getting pregnant when your body is not cooperating, the ability to find your equanimity will likely be put to the test. Seeing ..Continue Reading
What is Meditation? In the ancient text, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, we are taught that the science of yoga is all about learning to “restrain the modifications of the mind-stuff”. In essence, that means learning to be in control of your mind – not letting your mind control you! ..Continue Reading
As Sally Kempton explains, “The ‘I am’ mantra is the articulated expression of the self.” First, what is a mantra? Mantras are a form of meditation. I view them as a meditation “tool.” They can be as simple as one word, or a short phrase. So, why is practicing them ..Continue Reading
Who doesn’t want to show off a great pedicure, especially now that’s it’s summertime! The ugly truth is that, whether you’re trying to get pregnant or not, your daily body and beauty products may be negatively impacting your health (including your fertility)! I’m including a link to an article describing ..Continue Reading