If you are approaching or in the midst of fertility treatment, you may have heard horror stories about follicle-stimulating drugs (FSD). And this may make you feel apprehensive to practice fertility yoga during this time.

In this post, we are going to answer the question: Is it safe to practice yoga while on follicle-stimulating drugs?

Everyone reacts a bit differently to any drugs, including FSDs.
Some people metabolize drugs more quickly (“ultra-rapid processors), some in a more balanced “typical” way, while others are slow processors and more likely to get “toxic” at “normal” doses (ultra-sensitive processors). So, first and foremost, it is important to pay attention and honor your body’s needs in its current state.

One of the biggest concerns, when one is on FSDs, is a condition called ovarian torsion (when the ovary twists upon itself). It is one complication of OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) which may also cause symptoms such as blood clots, fluid build-up in the abdomen, breathing problems, and in severe cases, death.

Follicle Stims and Yoga
Since FSDs enlarge the follicles and all other surrounding organs, we recommend, from a fertility yoga perspective, that you avoid any twisting poses while on FSDs and in the short time thereafter — until you feel like the drugs have cleared the body and feel more normal (no bloating/fullness, etc.).

Otherwise, you may notice that certain yoga positions may just feel uncomfortable (e.g., Forward Fold, Child’s pose). But here’s the good news: this is a comfort issue and not a safety issue! In our #fertilityyoga practices, we give you specific instructions as to how to modify, as needed.

Movement is Important
One thing we want to impress upon you is: don’t be afraid to move! To move intelligently and mindfully is actually very beneficial during this time, for both the mind and body. This is also a wonderful opportunity to practice getting quiet and listening to your deep voice of intuition in regards to what type(s) of movements and practices feel right for you at this time.

Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge (with gratitude) what your body has been through up until this point and what it is capable of creating.

Visualization Practice
Visualization is a powerful tool to use during the process leading up to egg retrieval. We offer guided meditations and visualizations in our Soulful Conceptions™ Membership Immersion Home Study Program that will help support you during this time, and beyond!

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