Struggle… is what I need?

Emerging From Struggle For months and months while trying to get pregnant, then experiencing two miscarriages, and finally, during the #healthypregnancy of my son, I would see butterflies. White butterflies to be exact. They were there all the time, all around me. Sometimes it would just be one, fluttering and ..Continue Reading

Find The Flow

Find The Flow

Flow vs. resistance: If you’re trying to “make” something happen in your life right now and it feels like sooooo much effort, that nothing is going as hoped – this is the time to “find the flow” and move away from the resistance. My wisdom teacher taught me that our ..Continue Reading

Try Asking 'Why Not Me?' (Instead)

Try Asking ‘Why Not Me?’ (Instead)

It’s so easy to fall into that “Why Me?” place when life is not going as planned. But what if, instead, you started asking yourself, “Why Not Me?” It’s normal to feel sad and angry (and have a bit of a pity party) when you’re not getting what you want. ..Continue Reading