The ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) Test

The ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) Test

The ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Analysis) Test The ERA Test was developed to help determine the best day for embryo transfer, with the goal of lessening implantation failure rates. Not all bodies respond to the “standard” doses of hormones used in IVF cycles in the same way. Because of this, your ..Continue Reading

Is MTHFR Negatively Impacting Your Fertility?

What is MTHFR? I’m going to share just a brief introduction about the MTHFR gene and its relationship to infertility. The MTHFR gene codes for an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase which plays a role in processing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). This enzyme is important for the conversion ..Continue Reading